Thursday, February 25, 2016

Fungsi Gadget

Gadget adalah fitur tambahan yang terdapat pada blog berupa elemen yang berguna dan mudah digunakan baik yang telah disediakan oleh penyedia layanan blog yang anda gunakan atau yang berasal dari pihak ketiga. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

It's You

It's you. It's been you for the past few months. Since the moment we started to talk.
It's you at 2 A.M or it's you at 6 P.M.
It's you when I eat, it's you when I sleep, it's you when I'm studying.
You're everywhere and you're everything.
It's you. It's always been you. You, you, you.

Friday, February 19, 2016

When You Care About Someone

When u care about someone, u don't intentionally hurt them. U don't get up and walk away when things get rough. U don't leave them when they need u the most.
When u care about someone, u don't ever want to see them cry, not will u ever want to be the reason they cry.
When u care about someone, u are there to wipe away those tears. When they hurt, u can feel your own heart breaking.
When u care about someone, there is nothing u want more in this world than to see them happy. When they feel joy. When their heart smiles, yours smiles too.
When u care about someone, u want them to always be protected and safe.

Quotes and Poems of Nicholas Sparks

Hi guys, I really love reading. I have been reading many quotes and poems.
And in the new post now, I wanna share the quotes and poems of Nicholas Sparks. I think it's so cute and I like it very much. I wish you like it too...
So, enjoy reading it!:p

Quotes and Poems of NICHOLAS SPARKS.Hasil gambar untuk nicholas sparks tumblr

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Resensi Novel Grey Sunflower

Guys, kali ini aku mau merekomendasikan tentang sebuah novel yang menurutku sangat bagus. Novel ini judulnya Grey Sunflower.

Grey Sunflower

Louise, si gadis pencinta bunga matahari, memutuskan melarikan diri ke Belanda untuk membuka lembaran baru setelah kematian cinta pertamanya, Davin. Di sana ia berniat melanjutkan kuliah dan melupakan segala hal yang berhubungan dengan cinta. Tetapi, takdir malah mempertemukannya dengan Ben, saudara kembar Davin. Perasaan Louise campur aduk, kenangan akan Davin menariknya kepada Ben.

Namun, seakan hidup Louise belum cukup membingungkan, takdir malah memperumitnya dengan menghadirkan kembali Gerard, pria yang juga pernah mengisi hidupnya dan telah beberapa tahun menghilang.
Dibayangi kenangan dan balutan kebimbangan, bisakah Louise menemukan Bunga Matahari-nya yang sejati?