Friday, February 19, 2016

When You Care About Someone

When u care about someone, u don't intentionally hurt them. U don't get up and walk away when things get rough. U don't leave them when they need u the most.
When u care about someone, u don't ever want to see them cry, not will u ever want to be the reason they cry.
When u care about someone, u are there to wipe away those tears. When they hurt, u can feel your own heart breaking.
When u care about someone, there is nothing u want more in this world than to see them happy. When they feel joy. When their heart smiles, yours smiles too.
When u care about someone, u want them to always be protected and safe.
When u care about someone, an argument can't take away that care.
When u care about someone, u don't run away from them when they are hurting, u take the time to understand their mind. U listen to what they are trying to say, u hear their silent cries.
When u care about someone, the good in them will always outweigh the bad. U accept them for what they are.
When u care about someone, u will do anything in your power to make sure they know it.
But when u truly and wholeheartedly care about someone, nothing in this world could ever make u love them less. :)))<3

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